

Treatments Included

C02 Laser Resurfacing
Eyelid Lift
Face and Neck Lift

Pre-Care Cecklist

pre treatment
Stock Post-Care Supplies
Make sure you have all post-care supplies prior to your treatment.
4 weeks prior
Prep Your Skin
Continue a good skin prep routine, starting 4 weeks before your appointment.
4 weeks prior
Stop tanning
Cease sun exposure, tanning beds, and artificial tans 4 weeks prior to treatment.
4 weeks prior
Get Facial Treatments
Get 1 or 2 esthetician facial treatments 2 to 4 weeks prior to skin resurfacing is highly recommended. This will help to prep the skin, which reduces healing time.
pre treatment
Grow Out Your Hair
Do not cut your hair before surgery. Long hair is good camouflage for facelift recovery.
pre treatment
Take medicine
Take only approved and required medicine as directed.
2 weeks prior
Stop smoking
Cease smoking at least 2 weeks before your treatment.
2 weeks prior
Stop Anti-inflammatory Medications
No aspirin, ibuprofen, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, blood thinners, vitamin E, fish oil, herbal supplements, garlic, or any medications containing these or anything that may thin your blood, 14 days before surgery.
2 weeks prior
Avoid Hair Appointments
Avoid hair coloring, perms, or other hair treatments 2 weeks before and 3 weeks after surgery.
4 weeks prior
Get Botox
Getting Botox at your pre-op is strongly recommended. It has been shown to generate smoother skin results after resurfacing and help delay reoccurring wrinkles.
7 days prior
Drink Water
The week before treatment, drink plenty of water.
7 days prior
Eat Healthy
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, avoid extreme diets and alcohol.
2 days prior
avoid alcohol
Avoid alcohol for 48 hours before your treatment and caffeine on the day of your treatment.
day of
No Caffeine
No caffeine 24 hours before your treatment.
night before
Wash Yourself
Wash yourself including your hair the evening before or the morning of surgery. Do not use any styling products or sprays. Please reference the bathing directions provided to you and use Hibiclens /CHG.
day of
Arrive in proper attire
Surgery day, wear loose-fitting clothes that fasten at the front. No slipover clothing.
night before
Remove False Eyelashes
False eyelashes need to be removed.
day of
No Deodorant
Do not wear deodorant or lotions, especially on the chest and torso.
day of
No Contacts
You may wear glasses but do not wear contact lenses to your surgery.
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day(s) prior
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