7 Things To Know About Microblading


Microblading has quickly become one of the most sought-after med spa treatments — and for good reason. Full eyebrows are a mark of beauty. They add contrast, definition, and polish to the face. But genetics, light hair color, years of over-plucking, and the eyebrow-thinning that comes with age —  can really diminish your brow game. And without well-defined eyebrows, you may have a tendency to look washed out, pale, or tired.

But there is a great fix— microblading. It’s an easy, straightforward treatment that can enhance your brows and instantly transform your look.

So if you want to know a little more about how microblading works, and what it can do for you — keep reading.

1. It’s Closely Related to Tattooing:

The procedure entails using a small handheld tool to implant ink underneath the surface of the skin.

2. It’s Semi-permanent:

If the word “tattoo” makes you nervous — don’t be. Microblading delivers great, lasting results, but they won’t last forever. In other words, you don’t have to commit to a lifelong look. (We realize that brow trends shift over time, so that leaves the door open for future possibilities!)

3. It’s a Short Procedure:

The whole process only takes about an hour, but you may need to come in for a touch-up after some time has passed.  

4. The Results Will Look Natural:

Your microblading artist will work with you to determine the best brow shape and tone to match your face. The process is done by hand, which gives your microblading artist greater precision to control the shape and density of the pigment. The marks your microblading artist will make are tiny and will resemble your own hair follicles.

An important thing to remember: the pigment will be especially dark for the first week, but will quickly fade into a more natural tone.

5. It’s a Small Change, But It Gives You Big Results:

If you’re already accustomed to filling in your brows day after day, you already know how a full brow can take your look to the next level. It adds balance, contrast, and — most importantly — draws attention to your eyes.  

6. They’re Convenient:

Seriously. Microblading can save you significant time during your morning routine. The definition you get from a full brow means you might feel much more comfortable foregoing other aspects of your makeup routine. So if you want to look pulled together without all the maintenance — microblading is a great option for you.

7. Recovery is Minimal:

You’ll experience some redness, swelling, and light scabbing -- but you can expect those symptoms to fade in approximately a week. And your microblade artist can talk you through any microblading aftercare recommendations.

Va-va-voom eyebrows

Microblading can give you full brows and a more polished look in no time. So if you’re concerned about thin, patchy brows — give us a call. We’d love to set you up with one of our microblading technicians, so you can take your brow game to the next level.

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