Decoding The Facts And Myths About BOTOX


Since BOTOX is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments, there are many misconceptions about the procedure. You’ve probably heard many myths about BOTOX that you already believe them before making an appointment. Who thinks it’s about time that we spill the truth?

Let's talk facts...

Myth #1: You’ll get a frozen face

Fact: Our experienced nurse injectors will talk to you about the look you want to achieve. When properly injected, BOTOX will not cause a “frozen forehead” but will rejuvenate it and make you look younger. This myth exists because of the small percentage of people who over-do their BOTOX, usually celebrities. If you’re still nervous about the effects, we suggest less is more.

Myth #2: There are no health benefits

Fact: Most people know that BOTOX is utilized for purposes of anti-aging and beauty, but did you know many health benefits come along with it? Among them is its ability to reduce migraines and eliminate excessive sweating. Severe clenching of the jaw can be relaxed and softened with BOTOX as well. One of the most surprising health benefits is that you are less likely to suffer from depression because you can’t frown. Our emotions are expressed by facial muscles, which in turn send feedback signals to the brain that reinforce those emotions. Treating facial muscles helps interrupt this cycle.

Myth #3: Injections hurt

Fact: A lot of people that come into our office would love to reduce their wrinkles, but they are worried that BOTOX injections will hurt. If this is you, we have exciting news to share. Our injections are virtually pain-free. The needles used are extremely thin, and our patients say the injection is comparable to a slight pinch. However, if you have a low pain tolerance and are concerned about discomfort, we can always apply a topical numbing cream to the area of concern. We also have a nuevibe device (facial vibrator) to help block pain signals from the brain so that you won’t feel a thing.

Myth #4: It’s too expensive to upkeep

Fact: BOTOX may not be in everyone's budget, however, it is more affordable than most people would believe. Every person’s facial structure is different and has their own desired result in mind. If you are focusing on the forehead, you can expect to receive 8-15 units. Crows feet can be 5-15 units per side, and the glabellar lines are generally around 10-25 units. An average cost ranges anywhere from $250-$650 and is typically needed 3-4 times per year. Who wouldn’t give up a couple of new outfits for that?

Myth #5: “You’re too young for BOTOX”

Fact: The age you start is the age you stay. Early prevention is key! Deep set-in wrinkles can take multiple treatments to improve and sometimes are impossible to reverse. If you’re concerned about future signs of aging, don’t just wait and see. Getting BOTOX at an early age is the BEST proactive approach, so you can help fight the signs of aging before they even start. Say no to fine lines and wrinkles, and say yes to BOTOX.

Myth #6: Only women use BOTOX

Fact: BOTOX treats wrinkles for men too a.k.a “BRO-TOX.” Cosmetic injections are becoming increasingly popular treatments for men who want to look their best.  A lot of men use BOTOX to feel better about themselves and of course, look good for the ladies.

Myth #7: The effects are instant

Fact: Often, people want to squeeze in BOTOX before a huge event or family gathering because they want to look their best. Unfortunately, the effects of BOTOX aren’t instant. It’s important to remember that although BOTOX starts to work after a few days, it takes up to two weeks to reach optimal effectiveness.

When it comes to BOTOX injections in El Dorado Hills, there's no one better to talk to than us. If you have any questions or perhaps there are some other myths you have heard about the treatment that concerns you, we can help put your mind at rest.

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